Sunday, February 22, 2009

Pledge of Allegiance to the Ecuadorian Flag Ceremony

All over the country of Ecuador 6th graders and 12th graders are required to pledge allegiance to the Ecuadorian flag. If you're not an Ecuadorian but are in this country, you have the option to grab the flag and put a rose in a vase as a sign of respect.

Here's a non- Ecuadorian showing respect.
Ethan was asked to escort some important people to their seat during the ceremony This is a very serious and important event in the lives of Ecuadorian students. They have been practicing for this event for months.
Bens 6th graders after the ceremony

1 comment: said...

Thanks for the update e-mail. Mari, I'm really missing you friend. I hope you are all doing well and we will pray for you this week with all the big decisions and items you are needing to purchase over the next few months.