Wednesday, October 27, 2010

a 3rd grader leads his whole family to Christ

One of the new families that enrolled at our school this year ALL came to the Lord in a matter of a week. It was amazing!  The school has a week called Spiritual Emphasis Week and they have chapel everyday with a special speaker.  The particular young student was very curious and enthralled with everything that was being talked about.  He would go back to class asking lots of questions and wanting to know more.  One of those days he decided  he was ready to make a decision to accept Christ! Later that week mom came to discuss with the school some school things and then asked about her sons excitement for Spiritual Emphasis Week. It was explained to her and she too accepted Christ that day.  At the end of the week they ended with a grand finale where the kids were going to present to their families the songs and lessons they had been learning all week.  That evening the father also accepted Jesus Christ as His Savior! 
Isn't that beautiful! This is what we are all about PLANTING seeds for His kingdom! And its even more fun when you get to see them grow!

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