Sunday, April 18, 2010

Easter done differently

This year we had a very traditional Ecuadorian Easter.  We attended the Easter procession that is held in the historic area of Quito.  It was fascinating to watch the 100's of men reenacting Jesus walking the street to Golgotha; carrying the cross. Also the Klu Klux clan looking men called Cucuruchos were interesting and stirred lots of questions in Ethan our 6yr old. 
We were delighted to be invited to an Ecuadorian families home for Easter brunch.  We have heard that Quito people don't invite people into their homes unless they know them really well.  So this was a huge compliment to us not just to be invited but during one of their holidays.   We enjoyed a traditional Fanesca meal (dried fish & grains soup). 
I must admit I did miss Mckinney Memorial Churchs' Good Friday service.

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